Nevada Company Incorporation
$235.- plus state fees

NEVADA LLC FROM $235.- plus state fees
  • Business Name Verifications
  • Preparation & Filing of all Documents
  • Nevada Inc Initial List and Business Licence Filing
  • Registered Agent Service
  • Expedited Processing Service (State fees may Apply)
  • Overnight Shipping (With in the USA)
  • Lifetime Customer Support (Phone & Email)
  • Many more options available
NEVADA CORPORATION FROM $235.- plus state fees
  • Business Name Verifications
  • Preparation & Filing of all Documents
  • Nevada Inc Initial List and Business Licence Filing
  • Registered Agent Service
  • Lifetime Customer Support (Phone & Email)
  • Many more options available

Nevada incorporation – choose from a Corporation (S or C) or Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Nevada is an popular jurisdiction in the United States in which to incorporate as sales tax applies only to products sold within Nevada and there is no Corporate Income Tax, no Corporate Franchise Tax and no Corporation Succession Tax. The Nevada corporate law is based on the Delaware model and has as goal to minimize the risk, cost and time of commercial litigation.

Main Advantages of a Nevada Company Formation

Some of the main advantages of forming a corporation in the state of Nevada include:

  • In Nevada, sales tax is applicable only on products that are sold within the state.
  • Nevada does not tax the income of state’s citizens and corporations.
  • Nevada corporations are not subjected to hidden taxes like capital stock taxes & franchise taxes.
  • Nevada has a corporate structure that ensures corporations enjoy a large amount of privacy.
  • Nevada is the only state in the USA that does not have a formal information-sharing agreement with the IRS
  • Nevada is also the only state which allows the issuing of bearer shares.
  • In Nevada, no need for any minimum initial capital in order to incorporate.
  • Corporate directors and officers of a Nevada corporation are protected from any type personal liability for lawful acts on behalf of corporation

Choose your type of Nevada Incorporation

Limited liability company’s (LLC) as well as S and C Corporations offer personal asset protection in the event that your business is involved in legal action (unlike a sole proprietorship or a general partnership). LLC’s are much simpler to form and maintain then S and C Corporations and are able to avoid double taxation. However, corporations have an easier time raising capital than an LLC. Your company’s size, structure, goals, and more will determine if it is better to form a corporation or form an LLC.

  • LLCs, C corporations, or S corporations provide personal liability protection. LLCs and S Corporations are commonly used by small business startups as they will enable you in growing your business as well as adding new owners. The cost for setting up S Corporations and LLC are almost the same, although a key difference lies in owners being affected by employment taxes
  • Initially, when a corporation is chartered in the state of Nevada, it is given the status of a Corporation C. A Nevada C Corporation becomes an S Corporation when a special tax treatment (pass-through taxation) is sought after with the consent from all shareholders of the C Corporation. The change to an S Corporation can be sought by filing the “Form 2553” with IRS in accordance to Sub-chapter S of the Internal Revenue Code
  • S Corporation is the right type of business if you are looking towards taking advantage of pass-through taxation and desire lower risk of IRS audits
  • C Corporation is considered as a separate taxpayer and the income as well as expenses are taxed to the corporation. A C Corporation is the right type of business if you are looking for flexible profit-sharing among owners or want the company earnings to stay within your business and grow. C Corporation provides flexibility towards setting salaries for owners or employees in order to minimize Medicare taxes and Social Security.

How much does it cost to setup a company in Nevada?
Nevada Formation filing Fee $ 75 minimum (see explanation below)
Domestic corporation initial list $650
One year resident agent fee Included in filling fee
Our filing service fee $ 235
Total setup fee $960

Authorized Share Value and Corresponding Fees
$75,000 or less - $75
$75,001 to $200,000 - $175
$200,001 to $500,000 - $275
$500,001 to $1,000,000 - $375
For each additional $500,000 or fraction thereof - $275
Maximum fee - $11,125

Yearly Renewal of a Nevada company or LLC

A Nevada LLC & corporation will be required to renew there Nevada state business license yearly and pay the annual filing fees. In addition, companies that are doing business in the state of Nevada will need to pay the Nevada State Commerce tax if their revenue is above 4 million USD.


Annual renewal fees for corporations and LLC’s

Annual filing of list of officers and directors
State Business license
Registered Agent
Annual Minutes for Meetings of Directors and Shareholders.
Nevada Commerce Tax –This tax is only applied to those businesses that have a gross income that exceeds $4 million in a taxable year and only applies to business done within the state of Nevada. (The filing has to be done in August each year, regardless if the company is getting income from Nevada or not)

Nevada Nevada

Optional Items that we can handle for you

We offer additional optional items you can use to prepare for the opening of your business and keep your business organized.
Obtain an EIN for Your Nevada Corporation Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Federal Tax Identification Number (FTIN), is a nine digit unique and permanent number and is used by the federal government to identify a business entity. It is essentially a social security number for the company. An EIN is required for the following:

  • To open a business bank account for the company
  • For Federal and State tax purposes
  • To hire employees for the company
  • Getting a business credit card

Let us apply for a EIN number for you for a flat $106

Corporate Book and Seal
We can send you your own corporate book and seal. A corporate seal is a tool used to show approval or authenticity by officially embossing the company’s information, such as name, state, or year of incorporation on business documents. A corporate book is an official records book where a company can keep business documents in one place, such as operating agreements and the Articles of Organization. Both these items are recommended, but not legally required.

S Corporation Designation
We can file Form 2553 with the IRS on your behalf to get your business an S corporation status. Referring to a type of IRS tax designation, the S corporation lets a business be treated as a pass-through entity, where taxable income passes through the entity and falls onto the owners or investors. This option is available to entities who fit certain criteria, such as 100 shareholders or fewer.

We can get you an Apostille if your business will be required to provide an Apostille for international business or expansion. An Apostille is a specialized certificate, in this case, to verify the legitimacy and authenticity of a business document, and is issued by a government agency such as the Secretary of State. This certificate is recognized by countries that are members of the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty (currently 117 countries).

Certified Copy
We can send a certified copy of your Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation, which are usually necessary when you need to provide proof of your business, such as to open a business bank account. A certified copy is a state-issued copy of your company’s business documents that have been filed with the state.

Certificate of Good Standing
We can send you a Certificate of Good Standing, which is helpful when you need to register your business in another state, apply for a business loan or line of credit, or apply for certain business licenses. A Certificate of Good Standing is a state-issued document that certifies your business as a legal and compliant entity, registered with the state.

Register your Nevada company in 3 easy steps

Select Package

Select the package that is right for you. We have a range of different options.

Company Details

Quickly fill in your company details and let us take care of the rest.


Proceed to checkout. You will also have the option to add additional services.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Everyone has questions forming a corporation or LLC. You are not the only one. Therefore we have put together this FAQ page to address the most important issues.

See below for the questions we hear the most, and read the answers you need to know. If you don’t see your question below, please call or email us.

Can a foreigner or out of state resident setup a company in Nevada?
What is the difference between a Nevada Corporation or LLC?
What is an EIN number?

Learn more

Are you ready to start your Nevada company formation?

Our staff will take care of everything for you without hidden cost

Our Offices

Our offices are located in leading financial centres and you are free to choose any office to communicate with.
8 The Green
Suite #7121
Dover, DE 19901
Office 638,
10 Market Street, Camana Bay
Grand Cayman, KY1-9006
Cayman Islands
Office 8 Building P7,
SAIF Zone,
PO Box 7751
Sharjah, U.A.E.

« Thank you for a fast incorporation, you did as promised and faster then we expected. »

Josh Timmerman

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Part of Ecommerce Group LTD.